Oleg von Trirand.com hat auf stackoverflow eine Lösung angegeben, bei der man in jqgrid Tabellenzeilen wie unter Windows mit Shift- und Control-Key selektieren kann.
Die daraus entwickelte Lösung ist auch noch zum Apple (Command-key) kompatibel
English Summary: Below a solution for jqgrid multiselect that works with shift-, control- and command key in both windows and apple os style
beforeSelectRow: function (rowid, e) { var _this = $(this), rows = this.rows, // get id of the previous selected row startId = _this.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow'), startRow, endRow, iStart, iEnd, i, rowidIndex; if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey) { _this.jqGrid('resetSelection'); } else if (startId && e.shiftKey) { _this.jqGrid('resetSelection'); // get DOM elements of the previous selected and the currect selected rows startRow = rows.namedItem(startId); endRow = rows.namedItem(rowid); if (startRow && endRow) { // get min and max from the indexes of the previous selected // and the currect selected rows iStart = Math.min(startRow.rowIndex, endRow.rowIndex); rowidIndex = endRow.rowIndex; iEnd = Math.max(startRow.rowIndex, rowidIndex); for (i = iStart; i <= iEnd; i++) { // the row with rowid will be selected by jqGrid, so: if (i != rowidIndex) { _this.jqGrid('setSelection', rows[i].id, false); } } } // clear text selection if(document.selection && document.selection.empty) { document.selection.empty(); } else if(window.getSelection) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } } return true; }